Film Programme

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United Kingdom, 2009, 12'
Director: Michael Chandler
Producer: Hazel Chandler
Director of photography: Bruce Melhuish
Writer: Michael Chandler
Animation: King Bee Animation
Synopsis: A young man, Jason, looks after his mentally ill younger brother, Darren, and an alcoholic father and with the help of some graffiti characters coming to life on one strange night on a London council estate; Jason comes to realise he has to move on with his own life.
Director: Michael Chandler
MICHAEL CHANDLER WRITER/DIRECTOR The Fall is Michael Chandler's first film as writer director. He is currently directing a documentary Stay Sailing about the future of pirate radio in the UK for Wilderness Productions, as well as working on several scripts for dramas. Michael worked with children accross Newham and the animators Salmagundi to produce Shelter’s “In Their Own Words”- a short film about the experience of being a child in temporary accommodation, told by the children themselves with animation and drama. Described as “The most powerful audio visual piece Shelter has had in years” Michael has a strong background in music and radio, presenting on BBC 1Xtra as well as various pirate, community and internet stations; DJing in competitions and clubs across the UK; and producing music for soundtracks. Michael is director of the charity WAYout: which uses arts, music and media projects to engage youth in Sierra Leone. Michael formed Wayout after he visited Sierra Leone in 2006 and found almost 70% of the youth there wanted to do music but had no access to musical instruments, recording studios or even rehearsal space. Now WAYout runs film workshops. Michael also has a strong background in education, politics, social issues and current affairs.