There is a place
We follow the story of a Bulgarian elderly couple living in a stagnant small village called Balabansko. Taking care of their house has been their life’s work, building and fostering a place that can also be loved and cherished in the same way by their children. But like many Eastern European villages, Balabansko is dying out, making it unrealistic for the younger generations to live in. The house’s fate struggles to find a positive future as our characters continue to care for it despite getting deeper into old age.
- Language
- Country Bulgaria, The Netherlands
- Genre Documentary
- Cinematographer Alexander Dragomirov
- Producer Anna Messechkova
- Music Nikola Gruev “Kottarashky”
- Editor Anna Messechkova
- Year of creation 2023
- Duration 18’42’’
Anna Messechkova is an English-Bulgarian filmmaker that aspires to capture people’s stories. Whether that would be in fiction or documentary, she makes people’s seemingly everyday lives look special. She is currently studying Audiovisual Design, increasing her knowledge in the field as a filmmaker. Her current focus is on stories that feel close to her heart and she finds creativity within her Bulgarian culture and personal experiences.
Behind God’s Back
Roy Jox-Fredstie (r.) United Kingdom, Documentary, 20'00'' -